3 Tips to Grow your eCommerce Sales in China During Slow Season

TMO GroupAugust 4, 2016
3 Tips to Grow your eCommerce Sales in China During Slow Season

We revealed the different time periods of busy season and slow season in China eCommerce when it comes to different product. There are several ways to stay busy and keep your eCommerce business growing during the slower months in China. Here are three tips for making the most of the slow season.

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1. To stay on top of WeChat

Every retailer understand that promotion is an important tool to balance the sales during slow season, but just creating great deals for your eCommerce isn’t always enough. You need to bring people to your website through external channels, like social media.

Especially here in China, WeChat, the social media platform is an excellent way to stay connected and relevant to your consumers while still promoting your products. With over 700 million monthly active users, WeChat is a great channel for your eCommerce to enhance your channel relationships and increase future sales.

WeChat eCommerce solution China

The great thing about WeChat is you can not only offer special discounts, share the new content you're publishing; you can also use WeChat as a online sales channel. Started out as a social messaging app, now WeChat has become an essential part of China eCommerce landscape. WeChat eCommerce can be your best way to reach your users via the fastest growing eCommerce market.

WeChat eCommerce development China

Sephora's WeChat Store 

WeChat will provide your business with unlimited opportunities in China, and it can be a great channel for your eCommerce to interact with your customers during the slow season.


2. To use analytics to enhance your eCommerce performance

We have access to a tremendous amount of customer data these days. Yet, 80% of online retailers do not use their analytics sufficiently.

It’s almost a crime if you have all the data but don’t use them to improve your business. During the slow season, it can be your starting point to dig deeper into your analytics and use that data to create personalized shopping experiences for your Chinese eCommercecustomers.

If you are using Five Awesome Features Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) Can Bring to Your eCommerce CustomersMagento is a feature-rich eCommerce platform solution, and today we will reveal 5 shinning features that Magento 2.0 can bring to your eCommerce customers:Magento platform for your eCommerce for example, there are a large of amazing tracking info in the back-end. As the picture shown below, you can easily tell what are the bestsellers, the most viewed products, and the most searched terms that drive to your eCommerce site. These info will help you know yourself better, and furthermore, to come up with a more on-point promotion strategy.

Magento eCommerce China analytics

Meanwhile, more reports can be found on the Magento backend, to shows statistics for sales, shopping carts, products, customers, and things like SEO statistics and product reviews. Reports can also be customized and filtered down to your needs.

Magento eCommerce China analytics

We strongly suggest you to dig deeper on the data you have during the slow season, since analyzing these insights will pave the way for your eCommerce success coming afterwards.


3. To upgrade your eCommerce

If you’ve ever upgraded your online store to a new eCommerce platform, you know how challenging it can be. There’s a lot at stake -- your entire business flows through your online store, and getting it wrong can be extremely costly. But getting it right can give you a leg up on competitors and build a foundation to propel your business into its next phase of growth.

You may think that the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mindset is the way to go.  But by doing so, you will miss out on new features and probably better performance. Especially in today’s China, eCommerce customers are mobile-first, digital-savvy and care about user experience. If your current eCommerce platform is out-of-dated,  moving to a new eCommerce platform is a great way to launch a responsive design and start driving more revenue from mobile shoppers.

All being said, there are no better time to upgrade your eCommerce during the slow season. The eCommerce is a rapidly changing, so keeping pace by continuously evolving to support the latest interfaces, features, and standards are vital for your business.

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TMO Group Will Help You Drive eCommerce Growth

As a developing pioneer in China, TMO Group know eCommerce ecosystem well, and we are open to give you the service and quality workmanship that is well expected. Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding eCommerce solutions that you may have.


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