4 Unstoppable Trends For Cloud Computing Data & Centers

TMO Group TMO Group

Nowadays, big data era is already here. The effect of cloud computing is becoming increasingly important. People can almost get rid of the traditional hardware as long as there is internet. In that case they can easily call or get any data including images, documents or high-volume videos from a cloud data center. Today we’d like to talk about some unstoppable trends for cloud computing and data centers.

1. Cloud application API

OpenStack, VMware, Amazon and CloudStack are all set up by using “cloud.” Developers will not need source code or too much internal workflow anymore by using cloud app APIs. Programs will be more simple.


2. Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid cloud computing platforms will probably be used by almost everyone in the future. Many companies now are associating with cloud. Whatever platforms they uses, cloud is their new management solutions. No matter mixed, public, private even society, cloud can handle all of them. Furthermore, data can also be transferred easily between two clouds.


3. Security

The platform security is becoming one of the most important indicators for enterprises. People produced a large amount of data everyday as well as the speed is much more faster. Ubiquitous “eyes” of big data will be the pioneer who can protect the data privacy and security. In the future, encryption will be everywhere which can be used between cloud device and cloud server.


4. Mobility

Personal computer era will be placed in jeopardy by mobile devices. Some mobile programs are focus on providing better customer services around payment and so on. In the future, there will be more mobility solutions. Functions that based on mobile devices such as touch-sensitive, camera integration will also tend to mobile. In addition, cloud computing platform can also save all enterprises’ data in order to help them to implement information management.

cloud computing mobility

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