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At TMO Group we are continuously looking for new talents to strengthen our team. We offer an international working environment with English as a leading language
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Reasons to work at TMO
Our advantages
Work with multicultural team members from Europe, America and Asia to improve your cross-cultural skills.
Acquire the latest web technology and cutting-edge technological knowledge in AR and virtual reality.
Working experience in user interface and user experience.
Work with project management systems like JIRA, Confluence, Hudson and Selenium.
Local health insurance plan or insurance subsidy.
Flexible travel arrangements.
Beverages, snacks and fruits.
Seasonal drinks and birthday celebrations.
Team-building activities and outings.
Multi-functional and well-designed office environment.
Our advantages
Work with multicultural team members from Europe, America and Asia to improve your cross-cultural skills.
Acquire the latest web technology and cutting-edge technological knowledge in AR and virtual reality.
Working experience in user interface and user experience.
Work with project management systems like JIRA, Confluence, Hudson and Selenium.
Local health insurance plan or insurance subsidy.
Flexible travel arrangements.
Beverages, snacks and fruits.
Seasonal drinks and birthday celebrations.
Team-building activities and outings.
Multi-functional and well-designed office environment.
Full-time positions
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Becoming a member of TMO group will mean that you will work with professionals in the field of e-commerce & O2O & cloud solutions. Our team is currently looking for the following talents.
Shanghai | Marketing
Market Intelligence Executive/Researcher
2 Openings
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Shanghai | Marketing
Data Acquisition Engineer (Python Developer)
2 Openings
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Shanghai&Chengdu | Technical
Front-end Developer
2 Openings
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Shanghai&Chengdu | Technical
Back-end Developer
2 Openings
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Internship positions
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Join the TMO Internship Program! We provide a unique platform for potential students to develop their professional skills, gain an in-depth understanding of relevant industries, and lay a solid foundation for future career development under the guidance of industry experts!
Shanghai | Marketing
Market Research Intern
2 Openings
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Shanghai&Chengdu| Technical
Javascript Developer (Internship)
2 Openings
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