Latest on WeChat: “Barcode Scanning Function” Launched for Retailers

TMO GroupMay 30, 2016
Latest on WeChat: “Barcode Scanning Function” Launched for Retailers

WeChat now could be the easiest way to find out where to buy a certain product. Last week, WeChat announced that it has launched open beta testing for a new scanning feature in the app, “Barcode Scanning Function”.


WeChat “Barcode Scanning Function”…What is That?

More exactly, when WeChat users scan a product barcode through its scanning function, WeChat will direct to a page with this very product’s basic information with different prices on a number of eCommerce platforms. For example, WeChat will jump to this product page after I scanned the barcode of this tea leaves:

WeChat eCommerce barcode scan


Plus, with a simple click, user can go straight to those eCommerce platforms shown, and purchase the product.

WeChat eCommerce barcode scan

The biggest improvement of this open beta is: it enables brand/retailers to edit their product landing pages in WeChat barcode scanning function. The official product page will feature: picture, verified sign, price, eCommerce link, WeChat public account info, etc. There will also be featured with bookmarking/sharing function. Brand owners will also be able to issue rebates or rewards points to users who scan the barcode.

WeChat barcode scan

This is how will product page look like


I’m a retailer and I’m interested… How can I apply for it?

According to WeChat’s official announcement, retailers must meet these 3 qualifications to apply for WeChat barcode management:

  1. Must have an official WeChat account, also verified;
  2. Must own the rights to the product brand;
  3. Must have the rights to use a barcode legally registered in China (which starts with 69).

Open beta testing currently covers 14 product categories, including food and beverage, infant formula, healthcare and beauty products.

WeChat eCommerce barcode scan


En Route to WeChat eCommerce

With 762 million MAUs (monthly active users) and increasing popularity of WeChat Payment, WeChat is confident to complete the loop of WeChat eCommerce with barcode scanning function.

For foreign brands who want to gain more exposure on WeChat, what would be your best WeChat eCommerce strategy?

Contact TMO Group, and we are here to maximize the full potential of your WeChat eCommerce.


More on WeChat eCommerce:

Best Alternative for Foreign SMEs to enter China eCommerce: WeChat eCommerceRather than stepping into big online marketplace like Tmall, foreign SMEs could grow better if they start with WeChat commerce and gradually expand.Best Alternative for Foreign SMEs to enter China eCommerce: WeChat eCommerce

WeChat eCommerce Solution

WeChat Store Development

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