8 UX Tips to Boost eCommerce Landing Page Conversion

TMO GroupSeptember 23, 2015
8 UX Tips to Boost eCommerce Landing Page Conversion

Marketers compete endlessly for better 5 Effective Ways to Double your Conversion RatesThere’s a popular line from a movie which has been used in reference to websites: if you build it, they will come. Many people have used this to point outlanding page conversion rates. But there's room for improvement, especially where user experience is concerned. These 8 tips will help you squeeze more conversions out of your landing pages.

1. Make the purpose of your site clear

Don't force users to think. Explain your site's purpose in a tagline under your logo, one that describes who you are and what you do. It pays off, especially for brands that lack worldwide recognition. Confusion and clutter are the failure of design, not the attributes of information.

2. Onboarding experience matters

Just because a person enters your site, that doesn't necessarily mean they will use your site. To get users to stay, introduce your landing page and provide clear steps that familiarize them with your site, a process called onboarding. One should aim not at being impossible to understand, but at being impossible to misunderstand.

3. Engage with your users

The days of one-way communication are gone. People are tired of being told what to do; they want to be listened to. To hook your user, add elements of gamification such as progress bars, levels, badges or points. In this age of customer, the only sustainable competitive advantage is knowledge and engagement with customers.

4. Content is King

Writing copy that converts is an art, but you don't have to be and artist to know basic rules. Include a killer headline, informative sub-headlines, powerful images, and a highly visible CTA button. For high-converting landing pages, focus on user benefits, NOT company profits.

5. Say thanks

Hurray! A visitor not only came to your site but also completed a conversion by giving you an email address. Many sites end the communication there. You can Go one step further and do what people normally do in the real world - say thanks.

6. Start running A/B tests

A/B testing is more than a buzz term. It's an effective way to measure and optimize your landing page. Test two versions of your landing page (A and B) to find out which one converts better. You can test various elements: headlines, calls to action, web for, fields and length, product pricing, images, amount of text and more.

7. Create responsive landing pages

It‘s no secret that the number of mobile users is growing. A study from Google reveals that 73% of mobile searches trigger additional actions and conversions, and 81% of mobile researchers are driven by speed and convenience. Mobile-friendly sites How to Convert eCommerce Website Visitors into BuyersOver 1 billion people have experienced in online shopping. Here are 5 eCommerce solutions to help you convert your eCommerce website visitors into buyers.turn visitors into customers.

8. Check and analyze site statistics

Winning landing pages need constant optimization. Measure and analyze site statistics to maximize effectiveness and optimize return on investment(ROI). An understanding of landing page statistics can save you money on online marketing.

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