eCommerce O2O Myths: It's Hard to Go Offline to Online

TMO GroupOctober 27, 2014
eCommerce O2O Myths: It's Hard to Go Offline to Online

With the development of eCommerce, O2O has become a hot keywords and we can find it everywhere. So questions such as what is the definition of O2O and how to build an O2O model usually confused us.  Generally speaking, O2O means online to offline. But the oppsite of O2O, offline to online is also an important part. Even in some kinds of industry, offline to online is more efficient than the opposite. But there is a misunderstanding for most of enterprises who want to go offline to online.

Some enterprises think it is easy for a company who already has millions of consumers to connect online and offline. Actually, millions of consumers offline are not equal to they are online consumers. Perhaps there is no interaction between online and offline. As a result, the enterprise is unreal O2O. Just like the media industry,  many media companies or individual usually has a lot of fans offline. That is impossible to convert most of the fans online.

Moreover, some enterprises are eager to the profit. They only pay attention to the sales volume. Actually, O2O is based on communication. Only by cultivating the users habit, communicating with users frequently and paying attention to the relationship with them, O2O is really set up. For example. if you create a QR code, you also need to tell customers to scan. That is the cultivation of customers habit. If you use some strategy like giving a discount for people who have scanned the QR code, that makes sense.

O2O is not only transfer online customers to offline, but also including make offline customers online. Rome is not build in a day. It may takes a long time in developing users habit. Once the habit is established, the benefit is immeasurable.

How to go offline to online?

Mostly, it is on the opposite side of online to offline. But the ways and steps to connect online to offline are quite similar.

1. Traffic

Online platforms are the entrance for consumers. Varies of entrance can drive more traffic. If you have a large amount of offline consumers, you can provide different ways to let them follow up. If not, you can also make use of famous platforms which have existed like Dianping, Maps, Wechat... to drive traffic.


Online platforms should provide detail information to help customers finish the purchase easily. Such as Group Buy, coupon or comparing with others. All of these have influence on customers judgement.

3. Consumption

Consumption is the final destination. A convenient guide may help or teach consumers how to purchase online. In addition, provide different ways of payment is also convenient to them.

4. Feedback

Getting some feedbacks usually have a indirect impact on other consumers. Business owner can also change their eCommerce strategy according to the feedback. Consumers usually pays more attention on user experience. We can make use of the feedback to do some user experience optimization.

5. Return

Repeat customers are valuable asset. We can build a communication channel to keep the relationship with consumers. Maybe consumers don't have much time to go to the offline shop, but it will be good if they can use your online platform everywhere and any time.

TMO Group is an eCommerce developer in china. We also provide o2o soluions for you business. More details please send us an email.

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