What Will You Find in this Cosmetics and makeup Outlook?

  • Overview of market size in South East Asian 6 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam Singapore)
  • A hierarchical breakdown of market structure in each region: from large groups (face, lips and eye makeup), to more detailed categories (mascara, blushes, lip tints etc).
  • Price ranges, that generate most of the revenue, by country and product category
  • Leading brands in each region and market segment

This Outlook is based on December 2022 data, and will be updated regularly

Who is this Outlook for?

This Cosmetics and Makeup Outlook is intended for C-level executives, managers, marketing experts, researchers, and decision-makers at cosmetics and makeup companies. Whether your brand is considering entry into Southeast Asian markets via eCommerce or trying to expand its presence – this information will be a valuable tool to help you navigate this vibrant market.