In this free Outlook, we analyze the green energy application market in Southeast Asia. We use sales data from almost 610 thousand SKUs of green energy application products sold in Southeast Asia's most popular marketplaces, Shopee and Lazada.
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This Outlook is based on April 2024 data.
Southeast Asia's abundant renewable resources, especially solar energy, provide a solid foundation for this transition. This region also has a natural advantage for photovoltaic power generation. These advantages could make the solar market a new blue ocean for enterprises expanding abroad. Additionally, as the concepts of energy conservation and carbon reduction become more ingrained, the demand for green energy application products would also increase. Overall, the market for green energy application products in Southeast Asia has significant potential.
In April 2024, the number of green energy application products sold on Shopee and Lazada reached approximately 620,000, with a total sales revenue of about $680 million. Among these products, LED lights and displays topped the sales list with around 60% market share, followed by solar products.
Consumers in different countries have varying preferences for green energy application products. In Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, LED lights and displays gained significant popularity. Solar products are more popular in the Thai and Philippine markets. Besides LED lights and displays, electric vehicles and their charging equipment are also quite popular in Vietnam.
Regarding brands, in general, there is no dominant brand in the Southeast Asian new energy application market. Consumers generally prefer brands from the Netherlands and Asia. PHILIPS from the Netherlands was the best-selling brand in this category, followed by Samsung from South Korea and Xiaomi from China.
For detailed consumer preferences and brand performance in different countries, please feel free to download the outlook.