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[0] => 2022 update – A thoroughly researched, in-depth guide to the eCommerce market in Indonesia and how overseas companies can approach it. Over around 100 pages, this guide takes you through the unique challenges and opportunities Indonesia presents, as well as logistics solutions, legal requirements, and observations on the current state of the market and its projected future.
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[0] => Update for 2022!
This latest version includes:
- Data section: The basic data of the country and eCommerce data in the guide have been comprehensively updated.
- Post-pandemic economic recovery: In this revision of the guide, we have added a section on “Covid Update – Country Initiatives and Economic Recovery”, which provides insights into Indonesia’s post-pandemic economic recovery and the government updated policies.
Indonesia is the largest archipelago nation on Earth, home to the world’s largest populated island, and the largest Muslim country on the planet. Its storied culture, its massive population, and its unique geographical challenges make Indonesia a country that overseas companies approach with a mix of excitement and trepidation. We therefore put together this in-depth Localization Guide with the aim of providing a comprehensive look at how overseas companies can successfully enter the market and establish a flourishing business there.
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Designed to be a one-stop guide for foreign entities establishing an eCommerce presence in Indonesia, the guide includes a number of essential features:
- Information and insights designed to help you get familiar with the opportunities available in Indonesia and make a better-informed decision about whether the market is right for you and your brand
- Relevant statistics and data from the most recent sources available
- An explanation of Indonesia’s domestic and cross-border eCommerce situation
- A discussion of the different entry strategies available to foreign companies importing into Indonesia
- Step-by-step instructions for setting up your own company in Indonesia
- A close comparison of the leading online marketplaces, including setup processes and requirements
- A breakdown of the logistics situation in Indonesia and some leading providers that are popular with eCommerce businesses
- An exploration of the laws, incentives, taxes, and customs requirements for importers
- An overview of the local culture and how that relates to consumer attitudes, buying culture, and marketing strategy
- Over 70 sources including journals, reports, government sites, websites, interviews and etc
- Total of 70 hours of research conducted
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[0] => At the moment we only support credit card payments. However, in the near future this will be expanded to include other popular methods such as WeChat Pay and Alipay.
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[0] => What should I do if I have not received my email or my payment failed?
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[0] => If you encounter any problems throughout the ordering process, get in touch with us. You can reach us through our online customer service. Alternatively, you can send an email to or give us a call at +86 (0)21 617 00 396.
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[0] => If my payment was successful, can I receive an invoice?
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[0] => TMO Group can provide an invoice for purchase of the guides. If you need an invoice, please send a request by email to with the detailed company information for the invoice and the payment receipt. Once we receive, we can issue the digital invoice and send it to you via e-mail within 10 working days.
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[0] => 2022 update – A thoroughly researched, in-depth guide to the eCommerce market in Indonesia and how overseas companies can approach it. Over around 100 pages, this guide takes you through the unique challenges and opportunities Indonesia presents, as well as logistics solutions, legal requirements, and observations on the current state of the market and its projected future.
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[0] => 2022 Indonesia eCommerce Guide | Import Insights %%sep%% %%sitename%%
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[0] => This in-depth primer aims to be your one-stop guide to the Indonesian eCommerce market, including how to take your business there and succeed.
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[0] => This latest version includes:
- Data section: The basic data of the country and eCommerce data in the guide have been comprehensively updated.
- Post-pandemic economic recovery: In this revision of the guide, we have added a section on “Covid Update – Country Initiatives and Economic Recovery”, which provides insights into Indonesia's post-pandemic economic recovery and the government updated policies.
Indonesia is the largest archipelago nation on Earth, home to the world's largest populated island, and the largest Muslim country on the planet. Its storied culture, its massive population, and its unique geographical challenges make Indonesia a country that overseas companies approach with a mix of excitement and trepidation. We therefore put together this in-depth Localization Guide with the aim of providing a comprehensive look at how overseas companies can successfully enter the market and establish a flourishing business there.
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[0] => This guide is intended to provide business owners, C-level executives, marketeers, and eCommerce specialists with a comprehensive overview and help them formulate a strategy for starting their eCommerce journey in Indonesia. To this end, the guide covers all the major areas necessary to consider when entering the market, drawing from the latest available market data, expert analysis, and helpful case studies.
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Designed to be a one-stop guide for foreign entities establishing an eCommerce presence in Indonesia, the guide includes a number of essential features:
- Information and insights designed to help you get familiar with the opportunities available in Indonesia and make a better-informed decision about whether the market is right for you and your brand
- Relevant statistics and data from the most recent sources available
- An explanation of Indonesia’s domestic and cross-border eCommerce situation
- A discussion of the different entry strategies available to foreign companies importing into Indonesia
- Step-by-step instructions for setting up your own company in Indonesia
- A close comparison of the leading online marketplaces, including setup processes and requirements
- A breakdown of the logistics situation in Indonesia and some leading providers that are popular with eCommerce businesses
- An exploration of the laws, incentives, taxes, and customs requirements for importers
- An overview of the local culture and how that relates to consumer attitudes, buying culture, and marketing strategy
- Over 70 sources including journals, reports, government sites, websites, interviews and etc
- Total of 70 hours of research conducted
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- What are the characteristics of the Indonesian eCommerce market?
- What demographics are most important in Indonesia?
- What legal steps are involved with selling my product to local consumers?
- Do any of my products need to be certified, and if so which ones?
- Which distribution and payment methods are available and best suited to my business?
- How should I market my products in the country?
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[0] => About eCommerce Localization Guides
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[0] => TMO Group publishes an extensive series of eCommerce Localization Guides. Covering general, legal and store-level localization topics, these handbooks provide key market and hands-on information on how to localize your eBusiness per country. We currently cover the following markets in our series: China, Malaysia, India, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and Italy. This series is continuously expanding and being updated. All our guides are published in English and Chinese.
The guides are based on our aggregated 20+ years of experience and composed by our dedicated team of eCommerce market researchers. This all-inclusive complementary series of guides will help you find your way through the eCommerce jungle. Be sure to check out our complete series of guides which cover: (A) eCommerce Market Localization, (B) eCommerce Store Localization and (C) eCommerce Legal Localization.
For each region we also launch a
free guide to help those not yet willing to make a purchase.
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[0] => FAQ
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Q1: How can I get a copy of this eCommerce Market Localisation Guide?
A1: Just click on the ‘download now’ button and fill out your business details on the next page. You can then pay directly via PayPal. Once your payment is confirmed, we will send you a dedicated download link for your copy of the guide in PDF format.
Q2: What is the difference between the starter’s guide and the in-depth guide?
A2: All our guides are based on TMO Group’s aggregated 20+ years of experience and composed by our dedicated team of eCommerce market researchers. However, the in-depth guide offers many more insights and detailed information than the starter’s guide.
Q3: Which payment methods are currently available to purchase a resource?
A3: At the moment we only support credit card payments. However, in the near future this will be expanded to include other popular methods such as WeChat Pay and Alipay.
Q4: What should I do if I have not received my email or my payment failed?
A4: If you encounter any problems throughout the ordering process, get in touch with us. You can reach us through our online customer service. Alternatively, you can send an email to or give us a call at +86 (0)21 617 00 396.
Q5: If my payment was successful, can I receive an invoice?
A5: TMO Group can provide an invoice for purchase of the guides. If you need an invoice, please send a request by email to with the detailed company information for the invoice and the payment receipt. Once we receive, we can issue the digital invoice and sed it to you via e-mail within 10 working days.
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[0] => Just click on the ‘download now’ button and fill out your business details on the next page. You can then pay directly via PayPal. Once your payment is confirmed, we will send you a dedicated download link for your copy of the guide in PDF format.
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[0] => All our guides are based on TMO Group’s aggregated 20+ years of experience and composed by our dedicated team of eCommerce market researchers. However, the in-depth guide offers many more insights and detailed information than the starter’s guide.
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[0] => Yes! From preliminary eCommerce scans that inform your market entry strategy, to monthly data checks, and long-term monitoring, we offer custom data collection and analysis to help identify your industry's market structure, pricing, top competitors, trends, and more. To learn more, navigate to our "Data Service" page in the main menu or contact us to discuss your data needs.
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