4 Effective B2B Lead Generation Methods

TMO GroupJuly 14, 2014
4 Effective B2B Lead Generation Methods

There’s no beating around the bush: B2B lead generation is how your business stays in business. Given that it’s such an important process, even businesses that are doing it well are always wondering how they can do it better — how to get more eyes on their website, more leads in their pipeline, and more sales on their books without draining other buckets of their budget.
If you’re doing well with B2B generation, this post is still for you. But it’s also a great resource for teams that are wondering if they can generate more leads using the web.Here are 4 effictive methods on how to get more B2B leads.

Develop company website

In order to get more leads online, develop a company website is the most common lead generation methods employed. Search engines are not as intelligent as humans. They can't tell what images on your website represent unless you tell them. So keep your website up to date and seach engine optimized. Remove old information and broken links, and regularly add fresh content focused on your keywords.  Get rid of underperforming pages, or retool them.  Do this every six months or so to ensure that your site is both user-friendly and easy-to-find.

Remember—your site reflects your authority.  Make it a useful resource and visitors will be more likely to buy from you.

B2B lead generation methods

Make use of Social Media

There are some ‘commentators’ who say that Social Media is dead. They say the number of people starting up with Facebook or LinkedIn is falling. Do not, DO NOT believe a word of it. If you are not social, you are sat in the corner all alone. Make sure your organisation and your products have well-crafted, attractive, interesting and relevant pages on Social Media sites

Use intelligent content to engage with potential customers

In order to increase the chances of a buyer including your company as the right ‘fit’ to help them address their business  issue, you need to get their attention early on in the buy-cycle – as mentioned in point 2, this is the stage where they are looking for general information about issues affecting them.

In order to generate leads, B2B marketers must put their energy into placing content online, for examples, white papers;  getting themselves talked about positively on blogs and generally finding ways of having a positive presence in areas of the internet which their target customers will be likely to go to for advice. Information must be knowledgeable, unbiased and authoritative – the emphasis is on engagement rather than selling your products. Brand awareness is being created in a low key way and succeeding at this ‘back door’ approach is becoming critical to businesses in order to stay in competition.

Use multi-channel attribution models

When measuring media channel effectiveness, many B2B marketers are strictly using a last touch attribution model. In this case, lower funnel tactics like SEM (search engine marketing) will get all the credit as well as most of the budget.



For example: If we look at the above customer behavior, the first few steps in the path to conversion are usually upper funnel tactics like Social or Display. But once consumers establish a clear need, they’ll usually convert through SEM. By using a last click model, we neglect the ads that initially prospected the consumer. Hence if we took the budget from upper funnel tactics and allocated them to SEM, then we’ll generally see a decline in the total amount of leads. Instead we should measure the impact of upper funnel display ads based on its ability to prospect new customers. To do this, other attribution methodologies like time decay can be tested to see if the media mix drives an incremental lift in total leads.

TMO Group is also an eCommerce solution provider. Want to get more leads for your eCommerce? Contact us and send us an email!



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