83% of eCommerce shoppers leave at checkout... What should I do?

TMO GroupSeptember 2, 2016
83% of eCommerce shoppers leave at checkout... What should I do?

You have heard the good about eCommerce shopping experiences, but what about the bad and the ugly? Research from experience optimization platform, Optimizely, provides retailers with some areas on which to focus.

From the survey took by more than 1,000 eCommerce shoppers, it reveals the impact of a bad eCommerce experiences. More than a third (35%) are turned off of a brand by just one bad experience, so getting the user experience right is of paramount importance. Furthermore, there is a knock-on effect, with 39% saying that a bad online experience might also affect their likelihood of purchasing from that brand offline.

simple checkout process china ecommerce development


Why do shoppers leave at checkout?

According to the survey, most eCommerce shoppers (72%) are driven by convenience. However, many (83%) are adding items to their online shopping basket, but not completing the purchase.

The main reason for this, found the research, is the addition of unexpected shipping costs (53%), or the requirement to set up an account or register to complete the purchase (27%). Hurdles like these can be avoided. Brands need to be more upfront and transparent earlier in the purchase process to avoid cart abandonment.

Other frustrations with online shopping include:

- inadequate product information (43%),

- poor payment processes (33%),

- bad website design (26%)

- poor site navigation tools (24%).

simple checkout process china ecommerce development


Simpler Checkout Process to the rescue

There are advanced options to improve checkout process. Most eCommerce platforms, AdobeCommerce (Magento) included, have their checkout capabilities broken down into multiple steps. However, the checkout process asks for too much info or has more empty space than is really required, which will make user abandon their shopping cart more likely.

One solution to this is to centralize the process into two simple steps.

simple checkout process china ecommerce development

Depending on what conversion metric you want to improve, the checkout process can be tailored. This massively reduces the likelihood of a customer giving up before they have finished their purchase.


After all, it's all about user experiences

From the result above, it can be more clear that ecommerce businesses need to improve user experiences. Falling short in the final stages of the customer journey quickly detracts from retailers achieving their ultimate goal: securing revenue.

To fix those nightmares, eCommerce businesses need to be transparent. This survey showed a clear path of what eCommerce shoppers are expecting while what eCommerce retailers are lacking, so make sure your eCommerce can deliver what your customers want.

Contact us and see how we can help improve your eCommerce development.

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