Midnight shopping: research shows up to 1/3 of eCommerce Transactions Took Place at Night

TMO GroupOctober 14, 2014
Midnight shopping: research shows up to 1/3 of eCommerce Transactions Took Place at Night

When traditional retailing shops close at night, some eCommerce stores are still working. So eCommerce has changed our shopping habits. Recently, Google released a report about Internet users' shopping habits, which shows, "in the depth of night" is a rush hour.

This year's Christmas shopping season is coming. Google cooperated with Ipsos MediaCT, did a survey according to the consumer shopping behavior habits in order to allow retailers to prepare ahead of time.

Google found that through the search keywords to the netizen, 1/3 of shopping searches took place between 10 p.m. and four a.m.. So the data show that today's consumers can buy the goods they need anytime they like, even at midnight. And they spend more time on shopping research now than before.

Google said, eCommerce makes "midnight closing" to be "midnight shopping". The Internet has changed shopping behavior . It is unclear that the shopping date is focused on the USA or global. Almost certainly, the "night shopping" is a universal phenomenon now. "Chop hand clan" becomes more active in the depth of night.

The Chinese mainland released data before also showing that there are about 20 million consumers shopping between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.. Many online businesses also provide 24 hours of uninterrupted network service.

Google also analyzed some related shopping data about the Christmas season last year. It gave a distribution map about online and offline shopping in Christmas. Google has found some interesting phenomena by accident. For example, on December 14th last year, the search volume of the keyword "ugly sweater" hit a peak. Google also found that people buy christmas gifts for their father earlier than their mother. This is a surprising result.

In addition, the peak time for network shopping comes a few days earlier than the brick-and-mortar shops. As we all know, at the end of the Christmas shopping season, retailers will have a "ferocious" discount in order to attract more customers.

An Investigation by Google and Ipsos MediaCT also found that the Christmas shopping season is in advance every year. Of the respondents, 26% said they will consider the goods they need from Halloween. And more than 50% said they will finish the consideration about what to buy before Thanksgiving day.

Many retailers have recently started the omni channel strategy. It means that the offline shopping, online shopping, mobile shopping and others should meet the consumer's shopping needs. The Google survey found that this is completely worth the investment. In the survey, 3/4 of people said they are willing to use mobile phones for shopping rather than go to brick-and-mortar shops.

Interestingly, the thought of "Omni Channel Retailing" also started to influence the business tycoons. According to reports, the global well-known Internet retailer Amazon will open its first brick-and-mortar shop located in New York Manhattan, where many large retail brand shops are located. Such as Wal-Mart, Amazon will also provide "online orders, store pickup".

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