UI Future Trends in eCommerce Websites 2015

TMO GroupNovember 13, 2014
UI Future Trends in eCommerce Websites 2015

Online shopping has become a popular acquisition method for consumers in every country. One area that has gotten considerable attention lately is how users interact with a site, or in techno-speak, the User Interface. Here are some of the topics that are getting attention in ecommerce design.

Homepage Shop Details

It goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyways) that a website’s homepage should provide a magnificent first impression. The layout, colors, and content should leave a fiery memorable imprint in the mind of each visitor. Arguably more important than the overall page composition is the page content. This notion holds even greater merit when discussing e-commerce shops.

Think about it from your own perspective: you sit down at your desk to finish some work and find yourself surfing the web for a couple minutes or hours, you know how it goes. Anyway you stumble onto a great website and it seems like they sell something cool but you just can’t figure it out right away… Or perhaps you see a product photo on the page but you still have no idea what it does. Not a great initial presentation. Design a homepage with visuals and reference material to give visitors an informative first impression.

Use Dropdown Menus to Reduce Page Clutter

Dropdown menus are a great way to help customers find what they’re looking for without sacrificing strong visual content and overloading a page with too much detailed information. This is a particularly effective tactic for mobile sites on small screens like smartphones and is especially strong when combined with responsive graphics.

Adding Interesting Grids

Customers are embracing technology in every way and they expect businesses to give them maximum technical benefits in all facets of online shopping experience. Using grids in your layout has become a necessity as it works as a core differentiator for the companies to give them a competitive advantage. With popular CSS grids such as Bootstrap, Gridism etc., you can easily revamp the look of your website and make it attractive for the user.

But you want to be a little bit innovative right? By experimenting with the grid concepts, you can make your website look contemporary, all you need is just to use your imagination. You can work on it until you are fully satisfied. While doing so, make sure you do not sacrifice the user's experience. Keep the things simple and subtle as much as you can. You are not here to puzzle your customer to navigate through the entire shop to search for the things. Keep things easy and original.

Keep Your Product Choices Filterable

Let your customers search quickly by size, style, color, price range, manufacturer or other pertinent properties. Drop-down menus are particularly user-friendly for this and get shoppers to the sale point quickly.

Keep these points in mind when discussing your site design with your web developer. The designers at The Unleaded Group are constantly monitoring the latest trends and innovations in ecommerce site development and are ready to work with you to deliver proven, tested results with creativity, precision, and ease of use that sets you apart from the competition. Browse our site for complete details on the many ways The Unleaded Group works with our clients to build a web presence that stands out in the crowded e-commerce marketplace.


Each of these trends should not be considered gospel truths but more like concepts to help you rework & brainstorm cool ideas. The best part about being a web designer is the free-range creativity. You’re encouraged to wander about the pasture and drop your creative eggs anywhere on the farmland. See what feels right and try to adjust from there.


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