Online Shopping Trends - Its Time to Ditch the Cart

TMO GroupJanuary 9, 2015
Online Shopping Trends - Its Time to Ditch the Cart

As we all know, some words usually used in internet such as desktop, trash, folder, bookmarks and so on. Nowadays, almost we cannot ditch the shopping cart function while online shopping. But do you know that 68% of them Reasons and Solutions for Shopping Cart AbandonmentFor many eCommerce stores, shopping cart abandonment is a a common issue. If you are an eCommerce merchant, reading this article can help you solving the problemsabandon their shopping cart after adding items to it?


Last year, Facebook and twitter began to test their "purchase" button for their eCommerce project. It does establish a precedent that social media can integrate with eCommerce. For online buyers, they prefer a frictionless shopping process.

Did you also know that on average, it takes five clicks to purchase something on a mobile site? Making matters worse, preference data doesn’t transport, and payment data doesn’t sync across retailers. We're a nation of shoppers who spend nearly as much time “checking out” as we do shopping in the first place.

While we have done so much to innovate around payments, product discovery, sizing, subscriptions and more, it sucks that the typical experience of actually making a purchase is so distinctly poor. We keep queuing endlessly while shopping online. It seems similar to purchase offline. It must be some different to change the online shopping process and I think shopping cart is the one that should not be retained.

You know why I say that? The biggest difference between traditional eCommerce and social eCommerce is the convenience. We shouldn't consider social media to be a sales tool, but a natural and simple process.

The high shopping cart abandon rate tells us that the traditional online shopping process need to be changed. The real root cause is that people are bored and we need innovation.

ditch the shopping cart

Forcing a context switch from a delightful social networking experience to a disastrous cart-oriented one hinders the gains that retailers should otherwise expect, given the unabashed love for brands and their products that is evidenced everywhere online. What should be a conversion-rich environment can still be one, if we have the courage to throw our proverbial playbook directly out the window.

We need to be thinking of “native eCommerce” -- of buying and selling inside of a single context, without asking our customers to stop what they are doing, switch gears, go grab their wallet, and more. Shopping shouldn't be an interruption. Consummating a purchase should feel like a victory, not a chore.

TMO Group is a technology company. We can help to find a proper eCommerce solutions for your business and develop an eCommerce website. More about our services please leave an inquiry in our website!

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