How Big Data Overturns the eCommerce industry

TMO GroupJune 24, 2015
How Big Data Overturns the eCommerce industry

In Southeast Asia, Internet services are booming recent years. It increases more than 64 million users every year. Many retailers and enterprise already caught this opportunity to meet their customers need.

Moreover, they also get their governments heavily support. Recently, Singapore government launched a new plan, which aimed at let all citizens in Singapore be able to access the internet everywhere by mobile devices. That means if you are an eCommerce owner and you plan to expand your business, you will probably have chance to get more profit from millions of mobile users.

The future of big data

Along with the increase of the amount of online buyers, Asia retailers need to do well preparation of user data accumulation. Many third party tools can communicate with each other, and many new things could be bought online.

Then, users purchasing behavior will be recorded and analyse so that business owners can know how effective their business strategy is. Nowadays, they can get users data not only through smartphones, tablets and laptops, but also other Internet products such as wearable devices even transportation.

Now its up to you how to make use of these exponential growth of data. In next ten year, the new question will be how to get valuable data from them. Maybe the answer is Data management platform.

Data management platform

It is also called DMP, which seems like a database. Actually, the function is totally different. DMP is used to help online sellers and retailers to segment audience and other user information.

Normally, data collection comes from social media, email, internet analysis, mobile data, offline activities and so on. These data can help enterprise to understand their customers' background, interests, purchase history and page view habits. After filter and analyse these data, they can provide more valuable information to their target users.

Convert traffic into sales

Without DMP, it will be more difficult to track users behaviour, as well as provide attractive products. Once you know more about your audience, you can provide products according to their interests, then your conversion rate will naturally increase.

Now, many eCommerce sales emails are marked as spam. A report from Symantec Intelligence showed that more than 63.7% of emails are spam last year. Through DMP, we can provide more valuable emails which is closer to customers lives. Then your sales email may get more change to be clicked.

The way to get high quality traffic

  • Parity website

Many websites for example Shopbot, PricePanda and PriceArea provide information services. Customers can get discount information, compare prices and view products information and reviews. As a result, we can make use of these kind of platform, and provide products which have attractive price.

  • Social ads

2014 is the first year that people spend more money on internet than newspapers. Now retailers are keen on social ads. Just take facebook as an example, it has 8.1 and 9.1 times click rate from PC and mobile ads than before.

  • Mobile notification

Mobile notification could also be one of the efficient way to increase traffic. By using some location technology, retailers can know where their customers are. They can enhanced interaction with customers as well.

In conclusion, there are many eCommerce giants in Asia now such as Alibaba, Flipkart or Lazada. In order to share a piece of cake in this 7 billion dollars market, we must make use of our strength and seize every chance. With the era changes, online customers increasingly expect to get more information from retailers. When you are finding customers, probably they are also finding you.

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