How to Get More (Real!) WeChat Followers For Your Business?

TMO GroupNovember 22, 2016
How to Get More (Real!) WeChat Followers For Your Business?

If you are running your eCommerce business in China, you probably already realized that WeChat public account is a must-get, since it can be used not only as a social media channel to communicate with your customers, but also as an eCommerce channel for customers to place orders.

So the next big challenge is: how can I get more people to follow my WeChat public account? Moreover, how can I get real followers who are really interested in my products, rather than “ghost followers”?

Before anything, it is important for you to know the answer to following question first:


Q1: how do they find me and follow me?

Method 1: Through Scanning QR Code

QR code is the most popular way individuals connect with each other on WeChat. Every WeChat account has different barcode that contains information that can be read by a smartphone. Scan a WeChat QR code and you can add this WeChat account in no time.

Thru QR code


Method 2: Through Search your WeChat ID

Just like username, every public account has a unique WeChat ID. Users can type in your WeChat ID in “search” form, and directly find your account.

Thru WeChat ID

However, it is doubtful whether your customer, especially Chinese customer can correctly remember your WeChat ID (see example below).

ID easy remember

To sum up, your task is to:

- Either let more people see and scan your QR code;

- or type in your WeChat ID if it is easy to remember.


Q2: to capture more followers?

1. To promote your public account online

Reply on the power of Internet and social media to promote your WeChat public account.

For example, if you are already using Sina Weibo as one of your social media channel in China, feel free to hang your Wechat QR code there. Brands like Jacobs Creek and Samsung are already doing that. Same method can apply to your official website or flagship online shop.

Jacobs Creek Weibo copy

Jacob's Creek Weibo

Samsung weibo

Samsung Weibo

Another common way is to insert your QR code at the end of your WeChat promotional articles. Since WeChat users are most likely to share interesting posts to other contacts, adding QR code in your killer article can attract more followers for your business.


Organic Nordic's WeChat article


2. Do not forget offline

One might ask how to promote through offline channel when eCommerce business is lacking in offline presence. Ever put “Thank you for your purchase” card to go with your order? Next time, try promote your WeChat account on that too.

To start with, you can add your WeChat QR code on that, which will be easy for your shoppers to scan.

Boss QR Code

If you think just “scanning QR code and follow WeChat” isn’t that tempting for yoru shoppers, there are more fun ways for you to get more WeChat followers. For example, try the “red envelope giveaway” feature. Basically shoppers scan the QR code on the “Thanks for purchase” card, follow your WeChat account, and they will get cash back with certain amount. Who can say no to that?


3. WeChat Ad

If you do have budget for boosting your followers, WeChat ad can be an effective choice. WeChat advertising allows businesses to promote WeChat account or content targeting a specific audience, with costs varying based on the reach and engagement the ad receives.

There are various ways of showcasing WeChat advertising. For your WeChat account reach, we believe the following twos will work best for you:


- Banner Ad

Your WeChat account’s banner ad will be placed at bottom of several hottest WeChat articles. These articles are posted by big, influential WeChat accounts, which have numerous followers that can guarantee high visibility.

WeChat Banner Ad TMO Group

As shown above, Click the banner ad and the browser will re-direct to this WeChat account’s info. Promoters can select a list of categories that their ads fit into, after which WeChat will analyze user behavior and interests in order to determine who sees which ads. Advertisers can also access analytics reporting their ads’ performance.


- Moment Ad

By using WeChat ‘Moment Ads’, your add and WeChat account info will appear in WeChat user’s moment feed (even they haven’t followed you yet). Moreover, WeChat Moment ad can display the brand’s name and profile picture, text description up to 40 characters long, a link to an HTML5 webpage hosted within the WeChat network, and up to six images.


WeChat Moments ad could target customers by age, gender, region, smartphone operation system, networks, and interests. By delivering your WeChat info to your target audiences, WeChat ad can transform your business’s social reach without hurting your budget.


4. Creative QR code

Last but not least, you can also add a little magic on your WeChat’s QR code! Most of the time you see QR codes in black and white, but they don’t have to be this boring. In fact, QR codes can be designed in creative, promising and beautiful ways!

Here are a few examples. Try scan them, because they work perfect!




QR code designs like these can totally stand out from other regular ones. Always remember that WeChat is a social hub and WeChat users are likely to share your content to others if your stuff is fun and creative. A well-designed QR code can create that snowball effect within WeChat ecosystem, and definitely help you catch more audiences.


Feel free to contact us if you are ready to start your WeChat eCommerce in China!

China eCommerce Solutions          WeChat eCommerce Solutions

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