4 Ways to Develop a B2B Website for Lead Generation

TMO GroupSeptember 6, 2020
4 Ways to Develop a B2B Website for Lead Generation

As the name suggests B2B websites are used for the transactions between businesses to business. But unlike business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-government (B2G), B2B companies have to create a professional persona that is both attention-grabbing and sales-ready if they hope to successfully pitch and sell their products to other businesses.Generating leads and improving the quality of those leads were rated as the biggest challenges faced in B2B marketing.

When starting a B2B website how to generate leads & optimize conversion. We cover 4 best lead generation tips to maximize your results.

When you develop a B2B website, you need to put forth your honesty and integrity foremost. You would think it would be the same for a B2C, but the truth is that consumers still look first for savings and then will convince themselves you are honest enough to trust. Businesses are tougher to convince and hold onto as customers.  Here are the 4 best B2B lead generation ideas and how to turn them into best practice lead generation programs.

1. Optimize prospect acquisition and nurturing.

If your website design is more than 3 years old than chances are that it is not optimized for lead generation.  Here are 5 tips for better leadgen results

  • Use customer-focused navigation that targets prospect needs and pains so they can find what they want to know
  • Provide customer-focused content that targets each stage in a prospects decision process so you can attract and acquire prospects at each stage
  • Make sure you use multiple calls to action with different levels of commitment from subscribe, to download, to get a quote, to contact us and more.
  • Create sales readiness qualification pages including pricing or budgeting tools.  This is content that almost all prospect search for.
  • Use lead generation page design templates that include dynamic content and lead generation sidebars

2.Conversion Focused Content Marketing

In the past most B2B websites simply acted as a brochure, offering basic information about a product or service. Marketers thought of websites as a way to “increase awareness” or “build brand equity”. But the trouble is, without a logical next step, visitors simply scanned your website content and moved on. Unless the visitor filled out your “Contact Us” form you never figured out who was on your website, let alone what they were interested in.

Conversion focused content marketing aims to turn your anonymous website visitors into leads by offering access to exclusive content in exchange for the viewer’s contact information. This exclusive content can be delivered in a variety of forms – whitepapers, ebooks, webinars, how-to guides, infographics, the list goes on.

Once a website visitor has give your their contact information you can then begin to market to them in a much more personalized and continuous manner. Proactively sending emails that answer your leads most common questions will encourage them to move through the sales funnel at an accelerated pace.

3.Putting business first

In B2C first impressions on the web, you want to create a site that immediately appeals to the visitor through offering savings and quality. When you create a B2B site, you want to immediately establish that you value your client’s time. Set your navigation up so it filters the content to the different categories of business that may hire you, such as small, medium or large. The better you can show that you understand their business needs and won’t waste their time, the more you will be perceived as a good choice. It can be very helpful to keep a good blog as well. In fact, don’t underestimate what a blog can do for your B2B site. They are easy to set up and maintain. Keep the blog tightly focused on how to work with your products and services as well as addressing common problems your clients have in general.

4.Know your resources

You don’t just create a B2B website and then put it aside. These sites have to be dynamic and provide changing and current content to maintain your image as a business that is responsive and on top of things. Get to know the resources available to you, such as blogs that feature trends or techniques in site management and good sources for tutorials so that when you go to make changes, anything you go in not knowing how to do you learn in minutes.

More details about b2b website development, please refer to: eCommerce website development

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