3 Ways To Increase Customer Conversions Today

TMO GroupSeptember 21, 2015
3 Ways To Increase Customer Conversions Today

We have yet to meet an online retailer who wants to convert LESS.  But if somehow that is you, then you can skip this blog post.

However, if you are looking for tangible ways to boost sales, here are three action items to kickstart your quest for conversions today.

1) Promote your highest-converting products.

According to one study, up to 55% of site visitors only stay for 15 seconds. So how do you pull in the online window shoppers and convert them? By showing them, your best highest-converting products. If they love what they see or at minimum are intrigued by what they see, they are more likely to continue to browse your site for their perfect purchase.

Action Item: Dive into your store’s Google Analytics to find what products you should feature. Look at what products convert the highest overall, the products that convert the highest with new customers and the products that get the most page views. Highlight these products in a ‘Most Loved’ or ‘Trending Products’ section on your homepage and other popular pages.

2) Provide an easy-to-understand, no-hassel free returns policy.

Returns are like pimples. No one wants them, but everybody has them from time to time. In fact, the Wall Street Journal estimates that 33% of all online purchases result in a return. However unwanted they may be, returns and  how your online store handles them can 5 Effective Ways to Double your Conversion RatesThere’s a popular line from a movie which has been used in reference to websites: if you build it, they will come. Many people have used this to point outhave a big impact on customer conversion rate.

According to our friends at Trueship:

  • 88% of online shoppers take the time to read through a store’s returns policy
  • 15% of shoppers abandon their carts if the returns policy is unclear
  • 68%  of shoppers surveyed thought that free return shipping equated to a positive shopping experience

Action Item: Brush the dust off your returns policy.  Analyze whether you can make your policy clearer or if you can make the process better for the customer. Is your policy easy to find? Can you offer free returns? Can you include the free return shipping label included in the box?  For more check out, TrueShip’s 7 Ways To Transform Your Returns Policy.

3) Establish urgency with limited time deals

How to Design An eCommerce Site With High ConversionGetting people to your site isn’t always the hardest part. For many eCommerce websites, the main problem is getting people to buy something.Steal a conversion secret from the big daily deal sites and create urgency in your shoppers with limited time sales. Everyone loves a deal and more importantly, no one wants to miss out on a good deal and wind up paying more later. Deals with very limited timeframes cause online shoppers to feel urgency to purchase. The outcome— more conversions!

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