Are WeChat Mini Programs Going to Boost WeChat eCommerce?

TMO GroupJune 6, 2017
Are WeChat Mini Programs Going to Boost WeChat eCommerce?

The WeChat public platform is a powerful place to showcase your products/services and more importantly, for brand image shaping, communicating with fans and promoting WeChat eCommerce shops.

However, for the present, the commercial ecosystem of WeChat public accounts is facing potential threats. One of the widely spread statements is that the traffic dividend period is over and it is hard to gain followers.

Then how can companies lower customer acquisition costs and monetize its traffic with higher returns? WeChat mini program has made itself heard again after half a year of being doubted by everyone and silence, likely ready to empower the public account.

In this issue, we will introduce a few interesting and very successful WeChat mini programs, hoping to provide you with some WeChat marketing inspirations.



Swarovski launched a mini program “Swarovski Give brilliant” on WeChat. Loyal Swarovski customers can order products through this mini program, pay by WeChat and can also check store locations all over China.

( Use your WeChat scan to experience more...)

This WeChat mini program features links to texts and pictures, which could be forwarded, or embedded in any public WeChat account. Users can open the mini program by simply clicking the links.



The French luxury leather brand Longchamp is following this trend of mini WeChat programs. They launched two WeChat mini programs, and set WeChat as their one and only official online selling platform in China.


  • “Longchamp Parisian Shanghai” is a mini program for users to share, introduce places in the city that make customers feel like they are in Paris. Users can also scan the QR code to sign in and upload their photos of store experiences as well as share with friends.



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  • “Longchamp Customized Boutique Shop” is another WeChat mini program for users to choose a specified product. Customers can select their favorite colors, features and can use WeChat for payment followed by the option of having the products delivered to their homes.



( Use your WeChat scan to experience more...)

We can understand that Longchamp and Swarovski mini programs not only focus on the online shopping function, but also put more importance on directly “talking” with targeted customers.

A Longchamp official also said that: “In China, WeChat is not only a social platform, but also an online selling platform. WeChat eCommerce is a low-cost channel to attract traffic and also an easier way for us to do branding. Using a mini program, we can easily promote our products through influencers, enabling online shoppers to buy our products by browsing interesting content online.”


3.Jiangxiaobai ( Little White )


When it comes to the young adult consumer in China, this rising baijiu brand star JiangXiaobai could hardly be overlooked. In recent years, it is boasting its “I am JiangXiaobai [Little White], and life is simple” tagline. Thus, breaking through traditional baijiu enterprises’ arrogant and stiff brand appearance.

By intensely targeting young adult consumers’ shopping emotions, with direct and straightforward expression in its copywriting; JiangXiaobai is winning the hearts of millions of young adults, whipping up sales and giving its brand a steady boost.

Engaging the young adult consumer with fun and cheerful brand marketing is nonetheless essential. See what JiangXiaobai WeChat mini program has done for its users:

  • “Good wine as a gift for friends.”


Users can choose the right copy and wine, pay the bill, write down a toast speech, or even take a short video to confess his/her love for someone. Click and send to WeChat friends who can accept, then fill in the shipping address just as they are sending a WeChat red envelope.

On the friends’acceptance, the wine arrives at the address your friend submitted. This was a fun and innovative way to engage the user, but managed to expand their customer base as well.

  • “Speak-up Bottle”


A bottle used to express yourself. Scan the QR code on the bottle, type in what you want to express, upload your photos and automatically generates a unique wine bottle. If the uploaded content is selected as the one to be produced as a final product, it is put into mass production and distributed across the national market.


Give users their voice by letting them participate and have fun with it. Users can generate a variety of brilliant copywriting ideas for free. Is there any more exciting and empowering form of interaction than this?

In order to meet the changing needs for interaction with the 80’s and 90’s generation audience, WeChat mini programs have undoubtedly broadened the eCommerce play-ground and brought forward infinite possibilities for WeChat public accounts.


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