What is New and Change in Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce)

TMO GroupSeptember 26, 2014
What is New and Change in Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce)

After grand success of Magento in last 4-5 year,  now Magento Inc is planning for Magento 2 (after 2021 known as Adobe Commerce) and they have already started the development of Magento 2. The biggest thing in Magento 2 is it is community developed project. The new magento will be developed by people like us who usually takes initiative for opensource. I have gone through the code and found there are lots of changes made in this version. Core of the magento has been modified a lot.In my this post I will give you the quick overview about our new magento 2, Magento 2 new feature , What are major changes done, my personal opinion and tentative date of the release.

The Magento 2 project which has been under development at a regulated pace is said to be available in the market by the later part of this year. The Magento 2 development team has promised its Magento programmers and Magento commerce developers that there will be constant updates and refreshing information about the developments in periodic stretches which will inform them of progress, process, technical architecture and strategy as well as many other facets that involve this important project and milestone for the Magento community. Following are the major part which has been changed in the Magento 2.

Directory Structure

Magento 2 directory structure are little bit different than the magento 1 directory structure. The major change in the directory structure started from the root directory. They have removed the skin folder from the root directory. In magento 1 there was 9 directory on the root however in the magento 2 only 5 directories are on the root level. They have created a directory name "pub" and moved JS , SKIN , ERROR folder from root to PUB. Thanks Magento 2 now I can protect the code. I can put my code outside of the webserver document root. I really like this change. I can say this is the great Magento 2 Feature.

Removal of some modules and components

The old payments methods and compiler are replaced with new and advanced payment options. The new release slims down 20% of the config.xml file. It becomes much simpler for developers to provide a customised solution and that too within a short span of time. The new structure of module directory will enable faster and logical development of the platform infrastructure.

Resolving extension Conflicts

By declaring dependencies upfront, enables developers to resolve conflicts sooner. The following features will be included for better customization:

  • Plug in features will be introduced

  • Module dependencies enforced

  • Dependency injection framework

  • Web API and web hook frameworks

Code Quality is highly improved

Providing a great development experience for Magento developers and hence improving the code quality will be the aim of Magento 2.

  • Integration Testing(framework)

  • Unit Testing

  • Static Testing

  • Performance Testing

  • JavaScript Testing

  • Legacy and Migration Testing

Magento 2.0 will be a fantastic experience for web developers and designers. The present version of Magento provides users and visitors amazing features, but this new release seems to be more impressive with all its improvements. It is expected that web developers will work on these changes and explore new avenues to better ultilise these features.

TMO Group provide eCommerce website development with Magento (Adobe Commerce) platform. Contact us for more details!

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