5 Unusual Ways To Get First Few Customers For Your Ecommerce Store

TMO GroupNovember 11, 2015
5 Unusual Ways To Get First Few Customers For Your Ecommerce Store

Have you already dreamt to own a successful online store? Have you hired an eCommerce store development company? Is your website ready to launch? If the answers to these questions are yes, you are in the right place at the right time. This post is for everyone whose store is design, products inventory is ready, product images and descriptions are uploaded and all set to launch. Well, the worry begins now. Most of the people who launch their eCommerce store have one thing in common: Worry about making the first sales. The most difficult thing is to make first few customers and build up the strong customer base.

Even though you have hired the best online store development company and everything is just perfect, it gets extremely difficult to get the first few customers. So, technically you might have got various ways to get customers. However, that might take some time. As an owner of the online store, you might just be too impatient to wait for so long. Getting first few customers instantly will boost up your self confidence and enhance your mood. You can try out some unconventional ways to get started with sales. So, let us take a look at some of the most important tips and tricks to get started with your eCommerce sales unconventionally…

Sell to friends and family

One of the easiest ways to find your first few customers is to try selling your products to friends and relatives. You must apply different strategy to sell your products to them as compared to what you apply to sell it to your other customers. Instead of telling them about the features and benefits of your products, tell them your story. Tell them what motivated you to start this eCommerce store and sell these products. Sharing personal aspirations will get your friends hooked up.


Pinterest is also one of the best ways to find the target audience and connect with them, as most of them plan their purchases on Pinterest.


Personalization marketing is one of the most important and the best strategies to grow your eCommerce sales. Make sure you use the personalized call to actions in the banners; pop ups and links while offering the discount or offers. Also, make sure you send right message to the right people and state the deadline in the offers in order to increase the conversion rates quickly.


Of course the social media marketing on the professional level is important, but most f you forget to let your friends know on Facebook through a simple Facebook status. So, put up the status and all your friends will come to know about it. Moreover, promoting in Facebook groups is also not a bad idea.


You can also talk about your products on twitter and gain customers by participating in the discussions.

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