3 Key Points For First Screen Design of eCommerce Website

TMO GroupApril 28, 2015
3 Key Points For First Screen Design of eCommerce Website

A statistic said that users normally pay their 80.3% attention to the first screen of an eCommerce website. As a result, how to catch users' eyes in first screen could be one of the most important thing that related to conversion. Today we'll talk about 3 key points for first screen design of your eCommerce website in terms of get a higher conversion.

Clear visual focus

Basically users visit a website in seconds. If there is nothing to attract their eyes, your ads or promotion will not make sense. Normally for Chinese eCommerce website, they put a big banner and navigation in first screen. Their solution for attracting users eyes is to use different color. But how different? Try to delete all images in first screen, and if your navigation bar is not clear enough to read, then I can tell that the color matching is not reasonable.

Many eCommerce sites put their menu bar on the top. I would say that the color matching is not easy to handle. Moreover, if you choose sidebar navigation, you can also make it retractable, which won't disperse users eyes.

Clear visual focus

Refine the text

For first screen, a single word is worth a thousand pieces of gold. So no matter images of characters, they should be refined properly. To be honest, sometimes it is difficult to express the emotion only through characters. In that case images could be a good choice. But you also need to consider the location and color. Don't use the best place just for a background color.

Give a visual guide

Generally speaking, something must to be shown in eCommerce websites for example shopping cart, login module, check-out module, online service and so on. So how to guide customer to the right process or pages is must to be considered. Meet most of customers habit and have a good user experience, and we'll get a higher conversion.

Give a visual guide

Base on a good eCommerce solution, TMO Group provides eCommerce website development for your business. More details about our services, please leave an email in our website!

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