GOED 2022: TMO's presentation on Chinese eCommerce consumers on Health Supplements - Omega-3 market

TMO GroupFebruary 18, 2022
GOED 2022: TMO's presentation on Chinese eCommerce consumers on Health Supplements - Omega-3 market

TMO Group’s Jing Zhou talks about Chinese consumers at annual Omega-3 event

Omega-3 is one of the hottest topics in the Health Supplements industry. Hundreds of manufacturers are offering Omega-3 based products, millions of people taking those supplements to improve their health and well-being.

During 3 days in February 2022, many leading health supplements professionals around the globe visited (or tuned in to, as physical presence is still a little challenging) the main event of the year in the Omega-3 world. 30 speakers were to share their research, insights, success stories and valuable experience and more than 200 – to participate in that discussion.

TMO Group's managing partner Jing Zhou gave her presentation titled “Trends in China’s Cross-border eCommerce for Health Supplements 2021” as a part of the “Understanding consumers” section. Among the topics, covered in Jing’s presentation, were:

  • the present state of Health Supplements market in China;
  • statistics from the sales data of Chinese biggest eCommerce platforms, TMall and TaoBao – focusing on Omega-3 products, features on this giant marketplaces;
  • decision making process of Chinese consumers, when it comes to health products - something that would be invaluable for any company, trying to succeed with Omega-3 products on this market, full of potential.

When talking about notable speakers, it’s difficult not to mention Paul Rulkens, a prominent innovation expert and TED talker, who discussed how to make everyone open to paradigm-shifting innovations, to take control of the constant process of reinventing your business. Successful innovators end up standing tall as a giraffe, surrounded by field mice – this vibrant analogy will stick with anyone listening to his talk for a long while.

An important place at the conference was reserved for the science of Omega-3. During the dedicated section Dr. Makrides from the University of Adelaide and Dr. Bazinet from the University of Toronto shared latest developments in areas of prenatal health and discussed questions around EPA and DHA biosynthesis.

Days of the convention were filled with a number of exciting topics: from new technologies and sources to produce Omega-3, to the ongoing acidic feud between EPA and DHA. Several speakers touched upon the future technologies that will change the Omega-3 as we know it: new fatty acids we haven’t yet tapped into, compliance with new regulations, and the use of blockchain.


For more information on the conference visit the website: https://goed-exchange.com/

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