4 Reasons to Prove eCommerce Can't Replace Brick and Mortars

TMO GroupJanuary 21, 2015
4 Reasons to Prove eCommerce Can't Replace Brick and Mortars

Internet has led to the explosion of eCommerce. Competition becomes more can more fierce between eCommerce owners and the big cake of the whole market is nearly eaten up. As a result, is there any significance for 8 Strategies eCommerce Should Learn From Brick and MortareCommerce sales strategies are not simple as usual. Followings are 8 strategies that eCommerce owner should learn from brick and mortar stores.brick and mortar stores to exist? In fact, the following 5 reasons will prove that eCommerce can never replace brick and mortars.

1. User experience can not be replaced

Take group buying alone, a statistic from Tuan 800 shows that in the first half of 2014, though the trading volume reached 29.4 billion which is better than all the years before, the quantity of businesses decreased to 176, which is only 3.7% of the amount of 2011.

The main reason is user experience. Group buying causes many issues such as fake deal, refund issue, cheat or imparity clause.

user experience in brick and mortar

2. Big data closed-loop can be created only through offline

Close loop O2OThere is always a word called closed-loop while we are talking about O2O. Many users would not like to provide their personal information to online shops. But through offline, it will be easier to get them. After that, consumers data can be analysed online and then we can provide a better user experience.

3. Its difficult to identify products only through online

We all know that "made in China" is deeply ingrained. Consumers need to take the risk of overseas shopping. There are many factory for fakes in Yiwu and Guangzhou. They produce a large amount of fake products and sell them abroad. The way they use cou

4. eCommerce in FTA also need brick and mortars

After the free trade zone (FTA) was opened in Shanghai, cross border eCommerce became an important battleground. Online and offline model has been received by many eCommerce giants. Selling only through online cannot meet customers need any more.

FTA Shanghai

The user experience in brick and mortar shops will never be replaced. Combining Offline market has become more and more important part of O2O. Furthermore, offline consumption still dominate the psychological need of consumers.

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