4 trends will change the industry rules of eCommerce

TMO GroupApril 23, 2015
4 trends will change the industry rules of eCommerce

The development of eCommerce enterprises is tied to a good eCommerce sales strategy. But sales cannot solve everything. Thankfully, many eCommerce enterprises have already change the module from “buy-sale” to “client-participation”. Basically, the success of eCommerce not only depends on sales column, but also the conversion of loyal customers.

The following 4 trends are talking about what will probably change the industry rules of eCommerce, which come from Sudeep Banerjee, the author of tweakyoubiz.

1. Seamless user experience

According to polls, users would highly prefer to user experience than the product itself. Besides fast page loading time and clear navigation, seamless user experience can be improved through the following two aspects:

  • User psychology

As a promotion method, advertisement is less attractive than they once were. Now they focus on comments of products. According to the Forbes prediction, customers will contribute more contents instead of some sales languages.

  • Big data applications

Retailers can also make use of big data to predict the user’s purchase intention. Take Amazon as an example, they probably know what users need to buy based on big data. That’s why you sometimes receive an email from Amazon which shows some products that meet your interests.

2. Mobility

A research from RetailMeNot and Center for Retail Research shows that there will be 169 million people shop online this year. Furthermore, ,mobile and tablet will play a more important part in the market. Mobility is nothing new as same as responsive web design. By the end of 2017, 20% of all transactions will come from NFC. And the mobile payment volume will over 2 trillion dollars.

3. Online to offline

According to a research, 46% of consumers will do some investigations of products in offline shops before they order online. And 69% of consumers will also search some related information before they shop offline. Many brick and mortar shop retailers use some new technologies or methods in terms of user experience. For example:

  • Use the technology of NFC or iBeacon
  • Combined with augmented reality to try out cloths
  • Use wearable technologies in retailing such as Smartwatch, health tracking device…

4. Social media

In view of the fact that social media has become an useful online marketing tool. As a result, some eCommerce enterprises have already begun to provide services through their social media accounts.

A research shows that by the end of 2016, 75% of online transactions will happen on some social medias such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and so on. At that time, the total amount of transactions will up to 327 trillion.

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