6 Skills to Speed Up Your Mobile Apps

TMO GroupApril 3, 2015
6 Skills to Speed Up Your Mobile Apps

The speed of app is a critical indicator for user experience. In addition to achieving speed through improving development technology, is there any other ways for users to feel faster? Today we'll talk about some skill to speed up your mobile apps.

1. Background tasks

Needless to say, it is already the usual approach. Basically, some tasks such as download can be put into background, which allowing users are able to do something else.

2. Display in advance

There are different kinds of data loading between WEB and client. Generally, clients have two parts, which includes local data and network data. While we design the interface, more information will be put in local and it will be displayed in advance when the network data is not loaded totally. It creates an illusion that the whole page is almost finish loaded.

Using too much local data will also sacrifice some flexibilities. We can take twitter, Facebook, Vine or other outstanding products as example. They pretend already loaded "navigation bar" and "title bar" rather than just a logo.

Display in advance

3. Make full use of the cache

Network data can be stored in the local by using cache. In that case we don't need to wait again for loading the same resource twice. It can reduce traffic. At first, the app can display contents of the cache. Meanwhile the background can request the new content on the network. The old content could be replaced if it is different from the new one. But you should also pay attention to the "degree" of using cache. Too much system cache files will take up much more system storage space.

4. The interface first, followed by network interactions

For some small amount of data which are less likely to fail in terms of network interactions, users don't need to be told what to do next. As a result we can "cover up the facts." That means, all tasks are seemed to be loaded quickly, the background still working on it.

For example, while Wechat is sending messages, it seems already sent to the other side but actually not. Sometimes we need to modify our personal information, and the content will be saved in the local first. Then it will be uploaded when there is Internet.

5. Predict users behavior

In some reading apps, users probably need to turn pages. As a result, we can let the app loading new contents in advance. And the new content will be shown as soon as users turn to next page.

6. Use the dynamic efficiency

How to make loading time different? Maybe you can try to use some dynamic efficiencies. Some simple cycle animations can really make the loading page interesting.

dynamic efficiency

TMO Group is also a mobile development company in Shanghai, China. Our international team can help to build your mobile project! More details please leave an email in our website.

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